Charles Frederick Denman Cook

Charles Frederick Denman Cook D.S.O.
Lieutenant Colonel 1st Battalion Wellington Regiment.
New Zealand Expeditionary Force

 Division 67

CFD Cook DSO CFDCook grave

Charles Frederick Denman Cook was the son of  Professor C.H.H. Cook MA of Christchurch New Zealand (one time Fellow of St. Johns College Cambridge) and nephew of T.J. Peacock, “Calderwood”, Caversham.  Born in 1883, Charles  was an Master of Art with First Class in Classics with Honours, and LL.B.   His mother was Mrs E.D. Cook of Marton, Marton was Charles last address. 

Initially a member of the New Zealand Territorial force he joined the New Zealand Expeditionary Force in August 1914 with the rank of Captain. As part of the ‘Main Body’, that is the first contingent of men who were to serve with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, he reached Egypt on 3rd December 1914.   He saw active service in Egypt, Gallipoli and France. 

 Whilst still a Major, Charles Cook  was mentioned in dispatches in February 1916 (research from Phil Lascelles states London Gazette 28th January page1207) the citation states ‘in connection with operations described in General L. Hamiltion’s despatch dated 11th December 1915’; and again in March 1917 London Gazette 1st June 1917 p5429, Record 683 ‘For continuous devotion to duty and gallantry in the Field.  He has been on active service since the outbreak of war, filling many positions of importance including temporary Command of a Battalion,  he has constantly discharged his duties in a most conscientious and efficient manner.  He has taken part in practically all the operations in which the Division has been engaged, in Gallipoli and in France, and in action has always displayed keen judgement and the utmost coolness and bravery, especially during the period 21st September  1916 to 26th February 1917.’   Subsequently he was invested by the King with the DSO – Distinguished Service Order.  The citation was for ‘distinguished service in the field’. London Gazette 4th June 1917.  Cook became a Lieutenant Colonel  on 15th March 1915

 On 21st November 1917 Charles F. D. Cook married Miss Agneta Mary Haynes of 11. Victoria Square, Reading.  

CFDCook marriage

Miss Haynes had been on the staff of St. Luke’s V.A.D. hospital for some time, and “ the liveliest interest was aroused in the wedding by the staff and patients, the latter forming a guard of honour at the church, whilst members of staff were presented at the ceremony.  Wounded Soldiers formed an arch of crutches at a wedding.  There was a very large number of the general public, and the approaches to the church were thronged…….The patients at St Luke’s Hospital presented Miss Haynes with a New Zealand badge made into a sofa cushion cover, and the staff’s gift consisted of silver tea knives.  In the evening the patients had a whist drive with refreshments and wedding cake in honour of the event”. (Reading Standard 24th November 1917)

CFDCook funeral

 Lieut.-Col C.F.D. Cook died on May 2nd 1918 of cerebro-spinal meningitis, contracted on active service, at Neatley Hospital, Portsmouth.  He was buried on May 4th and was given  an impressive military  funeral.  His is a registered war grave, number16436.  The Memorial was erected by men of his unit.  His wife Agneta is buried with him as is his brother whom Agneta later married.


The grave also states “ IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY DEAR BROTHER LIEUTENANT IN THE 8TH BATTALION ROYAL BERKSHIRE REGIMENT”. This refers to the brother of Agneta, WILLIAM GRAY HAYNES who died on Saturday, 25th September 1915. Age 24.  He is buried at
BOIS-CARRE MILITARY CEMETERY, HAISNES, Pas de Calais, France.  Location A. 19.

A Cook

There are two men who could possibly be the A. Cook on the Alfred SuttonSchool War Memorial. As they both lived near the school they are both included in this entry. In any event as Reading men they ought to be remembered.

(1) Albert E. Cook
Private 34087
1st/4th Royal Berkshire Regiment.


For the 1st/4th battalion Royal Berkshire Regiment Third Ypres was probably their worst experience of the war.  Albert E Cook died of wounds during the time of the Third Ypres campaign. The personal details are very limited but it is known that Albert was evacuated to a base hospital at Étaples although it is not known when or how he received his injuries. Albert Cook’s home was given as 56, Amity Road, Reading. He died on 17 August 1917; his age at the time of death is unknown.

Albert E. Cook is buried at Étaples Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais, location XXII. P.11A.

(2) Arthur Cook
Sapper 137828
15th Field Company Royal Engineers



Arthur Cook lived at 68, Watlington Street, Reading. He was killed in action on 27 May 1918. Arthur Cook had no known grave and the caption under a photograph of him records him as missing in action. Sapper Cook is commemorated on the Soissons Memorial to the Missing, which is to be found just below the city cathedral. The memorial has a unique centrepiece of three soldiers wearing greatcoats standing shoulder to shoulder and commemorates almost 4,000 officers and men of the United Kingdom forces who died during the Battles of the Aisne and the Marne in 1918 and who, like Arthur Cook have no known grave.

Thomas Henry Cooper and Harold Walter Cooper

Thomas Henry Cooper
Private 55509 Devonshire Regiment
Labour Corps.

 Division 29

 CIMG2104  CIMG2099

Thomas Henry Cooper was the son of Thomas Henry and Jane Cooper, of 26, Milman Road, Reading.   He died on 23rd September 1917.  With his brother he is commemorated upon his parents grave in Reading Cemetery. Sadly the commemoration to Harold is now very unclear.

 Thomas Henry Cooper is buried at Rocquigny – Equancourt Road, British Cemetery, Manancourt, Somme.  Location Plot I. Row B. 23.  The area was occupied in April, 1917, as the Germans withdrew to the Hindenburg Line.  The cemetery was begun in 1917, and used mainly by the 21st and 48th Casualty Clearing Stations, posted at Ytres.  The location of the grave would indicate that Thomas Cooper was one of the earliest casualties to be buried there.  The cemetery was lost at the beginning of the German Spring offensive in March 1918 but regained in September 1918.

 Harold Walter Cooper
Private 28160
1st Battalion Somerset Light Infantry

Cooper HW photo  CIMG2100

Harold Walter Cooper was the younger brother of Thomas Henry Cooper.  He is commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial, location Panel 41 -42 and 163A.  He died on 4th October 1917, aged 19.

 On this day the British surprised the Germans who had also planned an attack.  An advance was made along an eight mile front.  The Germans lost many man to the British artillery and many prisoners were taken.  However, in spite of the allied gains many men were lost, some in the mud that became increasingly deeper as the rains came down.  Harold Cooper was probably killed and his body lost during this action.  The rain continued to fall for days and days.  Haig was reluctant to withdraw and loose the precious gains, he urged his men to push ever onwards, Passchendaele was in sight.

The brothers are commemorated on the grave of their parents in the Reading cemetery.